The groin muscles are responsible for bringing the legs back under your body (adduction), keeping your balanced while you stride. There are five adductor muscles; most commonly people injure their adductor longus, connecting the pubic bone and mid femur, but a pull to any of the adductors constitutes a groin pull. Usually a pull or rupture results from sudden resistance such as sprinting or a drastic change in direction while running.
It may no be apparent that you have strained a groin muscle until the following day when muscle tightness, soreness and swelling and/or bruising emerge. Groin pulls are graded 1, 2, or 3 depending on the severity of the pull. A grade 1 strain may cause mild discomfort but may not even be enough to interrupt activity, while a grade 3 strain would be noticed on occurrence followed by severe swelling, bruising and possibly an inability to contract the adductor muscles.
Sporting activities that put your groin muscles at risk include skating, cross-country skiing, running and rollerblading, but there aren’t many sports that present no risk of groin injury. Groin pulls seem to be related to hip muscle strength, abdominal strength, warm-up (especially stretching), biomechanical discrepancies such as strength imbalances, and previous injuries. Put simply, it boils down to an overexertion of the adductors which depends on training intensity, conditioning and adequate warm-up.
If the area is not attended to properly a groin pull can quickly get worse. Continued exertion on the muscle will quickly change a minor stretch into a major tear. This is why prompt and effective treatment is required; a treatment that will enable you to exercise diligence and convenience; a treatment specifically designed for soft tissue injuries!
Groin Injury Treatments
If you have a muscle pull or strain in your groin, resting it is recommended.Avoid activities that cause pain or may have caused the injury and begincold compression treatments as soon as possible.
There are healing tools that can help treat your groin strain and speed up the healing process so you can reduce your pain and get back to daily life.Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) will promote blood flow to heal your injury faster and more completely than any other methods available.