A whiplash injury is usually caused by the sudden backward (extension) and forward (flexion) motion of the neck. A whiplash can result in minor injury, or it may be severe and include damage to the ligaments, intervertebral joints, nerve roots, and cervical muscles. Rear-ended automobile accidents are the most common cause of whiplash injuries, but sporting activities may also be included on the list.
Whiplash occurs when the neck is forced to flex forward and back until the anterior longitudinal ligament or the facet joints stop the motion. This action often causesdamage to the facet joints that are on the back of each vertebra. These joints can become compressed and, as a result, begin to swell. The swelling in the facet joints may refer pain to the back of the head.
Other damage that can occur in a whiplash injury includes damage to the anterior longitudinal ligament. The ligament may become torn or overstretched, leading to possible disc herniation. Diagnostic testing such as an MRI, CT scan, and x-rays may be necessary to determine the extent of your whiplash injury and the appropriate intervention.
Conservative treatment for whiplash injuries usually focuses onsupporting the neck during the initial phase in order for the stressed muscles and ligaments to heal. Begin cold compression therapy immediately following your injury or any re-injury to your neck muscles. This will reduce pain, swelling, inflammation and tissue damage. Our personal therapeutic Inferno Wrap® may be used to aid in the healing process. Pain management is crucial to facilitating the return of normal neck flexibility as soon as possible and reducing muscle atrophy.
Treating Whiplash and Headaches
Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) will promote blood flow to your upper back and neck to improve the health of your damaged soft tissue more completely and whisk away toxins faster than any other methods available.