A sharp, stabbing pain may be experienced in your groin and inner thigh area if you are suffering from adductor tendinitis or adductor tendinopathy. You will feel tightness, tenderness and/or muscle spasms when you try to move your adductor muscles by flexing, extending or rotating your hip or leg inward during active and resistive movements. Point tenderness in your adductor magnus or longus muscle may be present, especially when the area is touched, which may radiate further down your inner thigh. If you have a chronic injury, you may feel more of a dull ache that lasts for long periods of time.
You may experience stiffness and decreased range of motion (ROM) in your hip joint as a result of tendinitis or tendinopathy in your short adductor muscles. This will make it more difficult to bend and rotate your hip and knee. To test your stiffness and ROM, sit on the floor and put the soles of your feet together. If you have tightness, pain and/or tenderness while doing this, you are likely suffering from a damaged adductor. You may also feel tightness in your lower abdominal, spine and hip region. This is often more prevalent on the left than right side, however it is really dependent on your injury.
Weakness of your adductor muscles can also be experienced as a result of adductor tendinitis or tendinopathy. This along with your other symptoms may make it difficult for you to walk or run and can result in you walking with a limp.
Occasionally, bruising (broken blood vessels) in your groin area or over your adductor muscles may appear a few days after your injury. This may be in one spot or can span from your groin to your knees.
Warmth, redness and/or a tender lump may accompany adductor tendinosis and severe cases of tendinitis. Swelling in your adductor muscles is a result of your tissues becoming inflamed; this normally occurs with a more acute adductor strain and/or adductor tendinitis.
Groin Injury Treatments
If you have a muscle pull or strain in your groin, resting it is recommended. Avoid activities that cause pain or may have caused the injury and begin cold compression treatments as soon as possible.
There are healing tools that can help treat your groin strain and speed up the healing process so you can reduce your pain and get back to daily life.Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) will promote blood flow to heal your injury faster and more completely than any other methods available.