Back muscle pain affects as many as 90 percent of adults at some point, and as many as half will have pain either intermittently or chronically. The majority of back pain is a result of the body’s reaction to stress and tension. As the body responds to stress, the blood flow to the muscle tissue is reduced. This, in turn, causes oxygen deprivation in the muscle, which leads to muscle pain.

It is not uncommon for individuals to begin experiencing back muscle pain without realizing they have been tense or stressed. It may simply be a result ofsitting in an awkward position too long, such as using a computer without proper ergonomics. It can also be a result of bending and lifting rather than using the leg muscles appropriately.


Back Pain


he back is a complexity of soft tissues, bones, joints, discs, and nerves. Getting the correct diagnosis is key to obtaining relief from back muscle pain. Be sure to see your healthcare provider if your back muscle pain continues after conservative treatment. Keep in mind that the amount of pain does not always indicate the amount of damage to muscle tissue.

Back Muscle Treatments

If you have a muscle pull or strain in your back, resting it is recommended.Avoid activities that cause pain or may have caused the injury and begin cold compression treatments as soon as possible.

There are healing tools that can help treat your back muscle strain and speed up the healing process so you can reduce your pain and get back to daily life. Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy (BFST®) will promote blood flow to heal your injury faster and more completely than any other methods available.