We rely on a healthy back everyday. It is essential for work, sports, and every-day getting around. Whether you are playing with the kids, hauling lumber, or training for a big event, you are utterly dependent on the health of your back.
Unfortunately, this leaves the supportive tissues of the back vulnerable to injury. Muscle strains of the lower back are most common, and as with most back injuries, can be prevented by good body mechanics. This includes, bending at the knees when lifting from the ground, standing and sitting with good posture, warming-up and stretching before exercise, and sleeping on a firm mattress. These simple measures for avoiding back injury can work wonders!
However, sometimes these injuries are unavoidable. In fact, one-half of all working Americans admit to having back symptoms each year. It is no wonder then that back pain accounts for most health care visits and missed work.
Most commonly back pain is brought on by a singular event that proves to be too much for the back’s supportive muscle tissue. However, back pain isn’t always brought on by a strained or torn muscle. Other causes of back pain include: herniated disc, sciatica, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, spondylolithesis, and spinal infections.
Fortunately most cases of back pain are treatable and the majority of people will be 100% in just a few weeks. Our reliance on back health is such that any injury, a slipped disc, torn muscle, or sciatica, can debilitate our lives enough to the point of serious disruption. For this reason it is imperative that we control the pain and inflammation, so we can get on with more aggressive rehab that will stretch and strengthen the area and be the driving force behind making a full recovery.
Upon injuring your back, cold compression therapy will reduce initial inflammation, a key component for pain relief and healing. They work because they interrupt and slow nerve and cell function in the damaged area. Once blood vessels are damaged they can no longer carry oxygenated blood to the damaged tissue and therefore cells begin to break-down. The deep cold provided by our Freezie Wraps® slows cell function thereby reducing cellular break-down. Furthermore, because the cold wraps serve to numb the nerves the wraps also reduce pain!
After the initial stages of swelling have been controlled it is then beneficial to apply Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™, or BFST®, to the area. BFST® promotes blood flow which will flush the injured tissues of cellular waste, while providing nutrients to the torn tissues.
Back Pain Treatments
If you have back pain, resting it is recommended. Avoid activities that cause pain or may have caused the injury and begin cold compressiontreatments as soon as possible.
There are healing tools that can help treat your back pain and speed up the healing process so you can reduce your pain and get back to daily life.Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) will promote blood flow to heal your injury faster and more completely than any other methods available.