Chronic tendonitis (or chronic tendinitis) occurs when a tendon near a joint becomes inflamed, usually because of repetitive overuse. The condition will typically affects patients in the shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle and ankle areas, as these are the most active and stressed joints.


Chronic Tendonitis

Ankle Injuries - Chronic Tendonitis


Close to 4 million people in the United States seek treatment each year for symptoms of tennis elbow alone! This one of the most common locations for chronic tendonitis and is quite common among athletes. Swinging a golf club or a tennis racquet repetitively can wear on a person’s tendons and cause them to become inflamed.

Until recently, treatment options for patients with chronic tendonitis have been limited to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAID’s), such as ibuprofen, and stretching exercises, but that is changing due to new treatment methods such as ColdCure Technology® and Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy.

ColdCure Technology® and Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy is quickly becoming very popular for treating this problem, as results have been very positive as long as the patient:

  1. keeps the area inactive throughout the healing process and
  2. sticks to the treatment properly until healing has completed.

Ankle Tendon Treatments

Allowing your ankle to rest is always recommended when you are suffering from tendinitis, tendon tear or bone dislocation. Avoid all activities that may have caused the injury or irritation and begin cold compression treatments as soon as possible. The peroneal and posterior tibial tendons are difficult to rest completely as they are essential tendons for walking and daily activities. During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort in your ankle until the pain and inflammation settle.

The trick with healing an ankle tendon injury is getting it to heal with minimal scar tissueformation. Even with optimum healing, there is always less elasticity in previously injured peroneal tendons. This will cause the tendons to hurt during daily activities and exercise. However, if you heal your ankle tendons efficiently and quickly, your chance of re-injury later on is much lower than average.

Fortunately, there are healing tools that can help treat your peroneal and posterior tibial tendons and speed up the healing process so you can get back to a life without pain and risk of further injury. Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy (BFST®) promotes blood flow to heal your tendons faster and more completely than any other methods available.