Whiplash symptoms may include neck stiffness, back pain, myofascial (muscle and ligament) injury, dizziness, headache, shoulder pain, numbness, and difficulty swallowing or chewing. To get an accurate diagnosis of the extent of your whiplash injury, it may be necessary for your physician to do some diagnostic films such as x-rays or an MRI.
Symptoms such as burning and tingling may indicate muscle tears. If muscles become tight and motion is limited, it may be indicative of injury to ligaments in the neck. Involuntary twisting can be the result of whiplash when the neck muscles that control head extension and rotation are severely damaged. Any symptom of whiplash may be worsened if the patient has a pre-existing health condition such as arthritis, or is elderly.
If whiplash symptoms don’t resolve within a couple of months, this may indicate that the condition will become chronic. Disability may be the end result if intervention is unsuccessful. To have the best opportunity for complete recovery from whiplash symptoms, it’s important to see a licensed healthcare provider for the appropriate treatment regimen. The sooner treatment is initiated, the better the chances for full recovery.