There are a variety of treatment options available depending on the severity of your injury. Once you know the source of your pain you can begin the properhome treatments to heal your tissue and stop your pain.

Diagnosing your rotator cuff pain is the first step in recovery.

There are several causes of shoulder pain and inflammation. The tissue damage is normally a result of overuse of an area on your shoulder, but could be a traumatic injury to your shoulder, rotator cuff tendonitis, bursitis, shoulder impingement, or a tendon tear. The preliminary treatment for most of these conditions generally starts with non-operative options.

Non-Surgical Rotator Cuff Treatments

Your initial treatment should involve decreasing any swelling, relieving any pain and stress on the rotator cuff, correcting any biomechanical dysfunction, and then restoring strength and mobility to your injured shoulder. It’s also very important to follow any instructions you receive from your physician.

Allowing your shoulder to rest is recommended following injury, however, some careful shoulder movement is required to prevent the joint from freezing and losing range of motion. See your doctor or physical therapist for stretchesthat will not cause further injury to your rotator cuff. Avoid activities that may have caused the injury or irritation and begin cold compressiontreatments as soon as possible.

Scar tissue develops as damaged rotator cuff tissue heals. This can lead to re-injury or other painful conditions if left untreated.

The trick to healing your rotator cuff injury and getting your shoulder back in the best possible condition you can is getting it to heal quickly with less chance of re-injury! Even with optimum healing, there is always less elasticity in previously injured rotator cuff tendons, muscles and ligaments. However, if you heal your tissue properly and treat scar tissue build up, your chance of re-injury or chronic shoulder conditions later on is much lower than average.

There are healing tools that can help treat your rotator cuff tendon, bursa, or other soft tissue and speed up the healing process so you can get back to a life without pain and risk of further injury. Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy(BFST®) promotes blood flow to heal your tendon faster and more completely than any other methods available.

Although steroid injections may provide temporary relief from the pain of rotator cuff tendinitis, bursitis, and other injury they should generally be avoided as they weaken the tendon and may lead to a rupture. If you do opt for an injection, doctors usually recommend that you do not participate in strenuous activities for several weeks to reduce the risk of a rupture.